Foot Orthotics and Insoles (All Products)
Custom Molded Orthotics with Free Custon Accomodations
Fully Customized Patient Molded Orthotics includes variety of top covers, bottom covers with accommodations added to the device based on the specific foot conditions of the patient (ex: metatarsal bar, heel spur cutout, heel post). A prescription …
Pre-Fab Orthotics with Free Custom Accomodations
Not all of patients have the need for a custom orthosis. That is why we also provide a variety of prefabricated orthotics including Industrial, dress ow profile, Sport Specific, etc. Prefab orthotics are not as supportive as well-made custom …
Kids UCBL Orthotics with Free Custom Accomodations
The “JM Kiddie Tek” Children's Orthotic is ideal for developing feet that need support to improve alignment, balance, and stability as their arch muscles form and develop throughout growth plate maturation into adulthood. Children who will benefit …
Diabetic/Arthritis Heat Molded Insole with Free Custom Accomodations
Pre-Fabricated Diabetic/Arthritis Accomodative Orthotics (Pic1) are sized to the patient, heat molded plus Custom Accommodations added as needed based on the patient individual needs and history.(Pic 3-6_)
Forefoot Fillers Can be added to …
Refurbishment of Existing Custom Orthotic with Free Custom Accommodations
Do you have a pair of old Custom orthotics that are worn down and no longer provide any support? If so, chances are it is time to refurbish your Custom orthotics shell.
Orthotic refurbishing helps extend the life of your orthotics. Refurbishing …
Power Plate (Carbon Graphite Shoe/Boot Shank Inserts)
The Power Carbon Graphite Plate insole is designed to assist propulsion and enhance performance by gathering and releasing kinetic energy with every step. The Plate is available in multiple rigidities, allowing you to maximize recovery time and …